David Neale continues this second volume of NBBC Luke by once more highlighting the unique features and contributions of this Gospel. Beginning where NBBC Luke 1-9 left off, this volume takes up Jesus' journey to Jerusalem, where the narrative proceeds to his crucifixion, resurrection, and ascension. As before, we hear again the timeless stories that are distinctly Luke's, such as the parable of the good Samaritan and the story of Zacchaeus. All throughout is the optimistic message that no matter the sin or failure, a person may freely choose to repent, be forgiven, and begin a new, holy life. This good news, moreover, is not exclusive; a second chance is offered to all, not only Jews but also Gentiles. For Neale, this optimism resonates with the hopeful and open message of Wesleyanism.
As with Luke 1-9, Neale brings to Luke 9-24 his insightful scholarship and theological acumen, as well as a keen eye for practical application. This NBBC again is another wothy addition to any Christian's library.
The New Beacon Bible Commentary is an engaging, indispensable reference tool to aid individuals in every walk of life in the study and meditation of God's Word. Written from the Wesleyan theological perspective, it offers insight and perceptive scholarship to help you unlock the deeper truths of Scripture and garner an awareness of the history, culture, and context attributed to each book of study. Readable, relevant, and academically thorough, it offers scholars, pastors, and laity a new standard for understanding and interpreting the Bible in the 21st century.