In Acts: A Handbook on the Greek Text 2-volume set, Martin Culy, Mikeal Parsons, and Josiah Hall provide a foundational examination of the Greek text of Acts. The analysis is distinguished by the detailed yet comprehensive attention paid to the text. The authors' exposition is a convenient pedagogical and reference tool that explains the form and syntax of the biblical text, offers guidance for deciding between competing semantic analyses, engages important text-critical debates, and addresses questions relating to the Greek text that are frequently overlooked or ignored by standard commentaries. Beyond serving as a succinct and accessible analytic key, Acts also reflects the most up-to-date advances in scholarship on Greek grammar and linguistics. This handbook proves itself an indispensable tool for anyone committed to a deep reading of the biblical text. This revised and expanded handbook on the Greek text of Acts, unlike its predecessor, includes comments on the grammar and syntax of every word in the text and incorporates insights from the Editio Critica Maior, now the standard critical Greek text for the Acts of the Apostles.
"Rather than trying to make sense of difficult grammar and complex sentences from the usual parsing guide that tells you everything but teaches you nothing, Culy, Parsons, and Hall confront the Greek head-on with clear, concise explanations of all the grammatical and syntactical issues that a difficult Greek text like Acts presents." - David P. Moessner, A. A. Bradford Chair of Religion, Texas Christian University
"This expanded edition which engages fully with the text of Acts, taking into account changes made to the text in the 2017 Editio Critica Maior, and filling in gaps in morphological and syntactical analysis from the first edition, is an exciting and welcome prospect." - Steve Walton, Senior Research Fellow in New Testament, Trinity College, Bristol
Martin M. Culy is former Professor of New Testament and Greek at Briercrest Seminary. He is founding editor of the BHGNT series and author or co-author of The Book of Revelation: The Rest of the Story (2017), Quoting Corinthians: Identifying Slogans and Quotations in 1 Corinthians (2018); The Making of a Disciple: Character Studies in the Gospel of John (2021), and The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Everything (2021). Culy earned his Ph.D. from Baylor University.
Mikeal C. Parsons is Professor of Religion at Baylor University. Parsons earned his Ph.D. from Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and is the author of The Departure of Jesus in Luke-Acts (1987); Rethinking the Unity of Luke and Acts (1993); and, with Heidi J. Hornick, Illuminating Luke: The Infancy Narrative in Italian Renaissance Painting (2003).
Josiah D. Hall is a PhD candidate in Religion at Baylor University.