Foreword by Eric Metaxas.
Prayers activate God's power and God's power changes everything.
There are far too many Christians who are walking around dejected, depressed, hopeless, powerless, and in bondage to the flesh. Yet this is not what the Christian life is or should be. Jesus Christ fulfilled the will of the Father and together made a new covenant—one that set us free from the enslavement of sin and gave us new life. Through the shed blood of Christ on the cross and His resurrection, Jesus restored our relationship with the living God and enabled us to live an abundant life!
Though we will experience difficulties, in the midst of these things we are not powerless and without hope. Our power and hope is in God, and the Holy Spirit empowers us to live above the fray! The most powerful thing we can do in our lives is PRAY! The Bible tells us to pray without ceasing and to pray about everything.
Each chapter contains a section titled “Important Takeaways from This Chapter”, which includes key thoughts, key words, and key insight.