A voyage through the business section of your local bookstore can be daunting. You could drown in the sea of books on management and leadership. At the very least the conflicting waves of instruction and advice from one book to the next will toss you back and forth, leaving you confused and disoriented.
Which business guru can steer you to the shores of your promised land? Which leadership trend is in, and which ones are out? If an approach works with one person, does that mean it will work with another?
Don't let the competing voices make things more complicated than they should be. And don't miss the most powerful example of leadership in history: Jesus. His approach was simple, effective, and brilliant. "How much more information do you need?" asks William Beausay II. "The fact is, very little. What you need are passion and heart. Courage and dreams." You'll find those traits in Jesus' life.
The Leadership Genius of Jesus is the lifeboat that will keep you afloat and point the way to fulfilling and dynamic leadership that will impact you and everyone you serve.