Author Scott Nash explores the theme of pilgrimage in the last nine books of the New Testament. Each book contributes a distinctive sound to the symphony of pilgrimage as the model for Christian living. Each book contributes a distinctive sound to the symphony of pilgrimage as the model for Christian living. Hebrews provides the overture with its call to begin the journey of faith and to be alert to the problems of setting out on the path to which Christians are summoned. James through Jude address the challenges of the journey itself. 1 Peter warns of the dangers that await the church from external threats. 2 Peter and Jude focus on the pitfall of misdirection that can come from within the church's own ranks, while the Johannine Letters probe the threat of internal dissension. The last book, Revelation, gives the reader a vision of the pilgrim church's final destination.
All The Bible is an 8-volume basic biblical survey series that nurtures a better understanding of the message and background of the biblical writings. The general editor of the series is R. Alan Culpepper, Dean of the McAfee School of Theology, Mercer University, Atlanta, Georgia.
Scott Nash is the Columbus Roberts Associate Professor of New Testament at Mercer University, Macon, Georgia. He is a graduate of Centre College and the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the senior editor for publications of the National Association of Baptist Professors of Religion and project editor for the Smyth & Helwys Bible Commentary series.