Jami Stole Jesus...
And Jesus Stole Jami
Let's be honest. The journey to discovering Jesus—Real Jesus—can be complicated, messy, and a little crazy. Just ask Jami Amerine. Banned from the Mormon church as a child, she's spent the rest of her life trying to reconcile Fifth-Grade Jesus, Catholic Jesus, and Americanized Jesus (just to name a few).
But when she met Real Jesus, everything changed.
You can meet Him too—right here, just as you are. With designer coffee in hand or with your jar of pickles for lunch. (Jami will tell you that story in chapter 1.)
If you've ever felt confused by the conflicting representations of Jesus you've encountered in the world, you're invited to join Jami's quest to release all the wrong ideas and get to know Jesus as He really is—bewildering grace and all.
(Oh, and Stolen Jesus? He sits on Jami's mantel. You'll get to meet Him too!)