In the mid-1990s, a multi-denominational team of more than twenty-five of the world’s foremost biblical scholars gathered around the shared vision of creating an English Bible translation that could overcome old challenges and boldly open the door for new possibilities. With the first edition completed in 2001, ongoing revisions based on scholarly and user feedback in 2003 and 2005, and a major update reaching its final stages in 2019, the NET’s unique translation process has yielded a beautiful, faithful English Bible for the worldwide church today.
The NET Bible is neither crowdsourced nor a “translation by consensus.” Rather, the NET translators filtered every question and suggestion through the very best in biblical linguistics, textual criticism, and their unswerving commitment to following the text wherever it leads. The benefit to you? The NET overcomes one of the biggest challenges facing any Bible translation: the tension between accuracy and readability.
Olive Tree also carries the following editions of this product:
New English Translation, NET: Complete Bible
New English Translation, NET: Old Testament
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