The beatitudes reveal to us eight qualities that bring God's blessing: meekness and mercy, poorness in spirit and purity of heart, mourning and hunger, peacemaking and persecution. Jesus highlighted these to offer both encouragement and instruction on living distinctly as his followers in a world with values much different from God's. As we study these qualities and integrate them into our lives, we will receive the blessing Jesus promised to his followers then and now.
John Stott was one of the world's leading and most-loved Bible teachers and preachers. Hailed as the elder statesman of evangelical Christianity, throughout his five-decade ministry he was a tireless and faithful expositor, writer and speaker. His commentaries have informed and inspired pastors and preachers around the globe. In this Bible study guide you can explore Scripture under his guidance, enhancing your own in-depth study with insights gained from his years of immersion in God's Word.