Hebrews speaks of a new and better covenant. It links old priesthoods to the priesthood of Christ. It looks at the nature and heroes of faith. In short, Hebrews roams a broad theological landscape, but its unifying premise remains: God speaks, and if we listen, his message to us revealed through Jesus will change and shape the lives we live. This was true for the original audience of Hebrews; it remains true for us today. In thought and deed, the Word of God is the Word we live by as believers.
Hebrews: Audio Lectures features scholar George H. Guthrie teaching through the book of Hebrews in 25 engaging and challenging lessons. A companion to Guthrie's Hebrews commentary in the NIV Application Commentary series, these lessons explore links between the Bible and our own times that reveal Hebrews' enduring relevance for our twenty-first-century lives.
Hebrews: Audio Lectures is part of the Zondervan Biblical and Theological Lectures, which is dedicated to bringing expert teaching from world's best biblical scholars and theologians directly to interested learners.