Somewhere along the line, every CEO, celebrity, professional athlete, and government leader realized they had something to help them pursue their dreams. It’s something that the rest of us may think we don’t have, but we do. All of us have God-given potential!
“Potential is within the grasp of everyone,” says author Troy Gramling, “because everyone has a dream deep within them. They just need a coach and an example at times to point the way and encourage them to pursue their dream.”
Using examples from the life of Moses, Potential: The Uncontainable Power of God Within You takes you on a journey to discover your own promised land. You will learn:
• What Moses knew that you need to know
• How to go from the parking lot to the platform
• Who you are and the greatness within you
• How much you have in common with a leader who lived 4,000 years ago
• The dream you were afraid to pursue but were created to experience
Potential will help you discover the masterpiece you were created to be.