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Looking for Something New for Fall? Browse These Books!

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Your search for 'free maps' returned 10 of 2,161 matches.

Unleash!: Breaking Free from Normalcy

Unleash!: Breaking Free from Normalcy

by Andy Stanley and Perry Noble

Why is it that we trust Jesus with our salvation but never fully trust him with our lives? God longs to unleash his full measure of power in our lives to fill us with passion and purpose. But too often the things of our past—fear, anger, bitterness, worry and doubt—hold us back. Rather than focusing on the reality of who Christ is and what he has done fo… Read more…

Breaking Free From Anorexia & Bulimia: How to Find Healing From Destructive Eating Discorders

Breaking Free From Anorexia & Bulimia: How to Find Healing From Destructive Eating Discorders

by Mintle Ph.D.

You are a unique creation with a true identity! Discover who you are in Christ, and live in total health: body, mind and spirit. Break free from your obsession with food, body image and weight. Don't live another day struggling to recover. God wants you to live in complete freedom. … Read more…

Is Forgiveness Really Free?: And other questions about grace, the law and being saved

Is Forgiveness Really Free?: And other questions about grace, the law and being saved

by Jensen Michael

Narrated by Michael, Jensen

We're saved by the free gift of God - but how free is that gift when our lives are demanded in return? Many Christians are confused by the relationship between the Grace of God, and the role of laws and commands in the Christian life. What does it mean to live a life of grace? How does Grace help us grow? And are we "once saved always saved?" In thi… Read more…

Is forgiveness really free?: and other questions about grace, the law and being saved

Is forgiveness really free?: and other questions about grace, the law and being saved

by Michael Jensen

We're saved by the free gift of God—but how free is that gift when our lives are demanded in return? Many Christians are confused by the relationship between the grace of God, and the role of laws and commands in the Christian life. What does it mean to live a life of grace? How does grace help us grow? And are we "once saved always … Read more…

The Old Testament: Text and Context

The Old Testament: Text and Context

by Victor H. Matthews and James C. Moyer

This substantially updated edition of a classroom standard provides students with an accessible introduction to the literature, history, and social context of the Old Testament. Written by two seasoned Old Testament professors, the book pays attention to methodology, archaeology, history, and literary genre and includes illustrations, sidebars, maps, and stu… Read more…

The Truth Sets Women Free: 25 Tough Questions About Women and the Church

The Truth Sets Women Free: 25 Tough Questions About Women and the Church

by J. Lee Grady

Is it scriptural for a woman to be a pastor? What should the response be to an abusive relationship? Is it OK for a woman to work outside the home? Go ahead...ask the tough questions! Although women in the United States have civil freedoms, equal rights in the workplace, and the full protection of law, many church leaders continue to quench … Read more…

Fierce, Free, and Full of Fire: The Guide to Being Glorious You

Fierce, Free, and Full of Fire: The Guide to Being Glorious You

by Jen Hatmaker

Narrated by Jen Hatmaker

This audiobook includes bonus tracks with interviews from Shauna Niequist (Present Over Perfect), Hillary McBride (Mothers, Daughters, and Body Image), Pete Enns (How the Bible Actually Works), and more from Jen's podcast, For the Love!No more hiding or people-pleasing up in here, sisters. No more being sidelined in your own life. It is time for us … Read more…

She Is Free: Learning the Truth about the Lies that Hold You Captive

She Is Free: Learning the Truth about the Lies that Hold You Captive

by Andi Andrew

Narrated by Andrew, Andi

We say we're free in Christ, but many of us are still living in captivity--to fear, anger, shame, isolation, unforgiveness, and control. We're good at faking it around others, but we're exhausted by the ruse. Andi Andrew wants women to break free of their self-imposed prisons and live the lives that are rightly theirs in Christ. Sharing her own i… Read more…

Free and Fully Alive: Reclaiming the Story of Who You Were Created to Be

Free and Fully Alive: Reclaiming the Story of Who You Were Created to Be

by Karrie Garcia

Narrated by Karrie Garcia

Read by the author.A dynamic, practical guide to embracing your past and discovering a deeper connection to yourself, God, and others so you can reclaim who God created you to be.Many of us yearn for a sense of purpose, but we wonder how we can overcome the trauma and mistakes of our past. We keep doing and doing for God, hoping to erase our story so we… Read more…

Breaking Free from Body Shame: Dare to Reclaim What God Has Named Good

Breaking Free from Body Shame: Dare to Reclaim What God Has Named Good

by Jess Connolly

Narrated by Jess Connolly

Includes audiobook-exclusive coaching sessions from Jess!You were made for more than a love/hate relationship with your body.It's one thing to know in your head that you were created in the image of God. Yet it's quite another to experience this belief in your body, against the cultural ideals of a woman's worth. And between the two lies a world … Read more…