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Your search for 'free maps' returned 10 of 2,161 matches.

Digging for Diamonds: A Healing Guide Book for Restoration From the Aftermath of Rape

Digging for Diamonds: A Healing Guide Book for Restoration From the Aftermath of Rape

by Sally Stiele

IT'S TIME TO WALK FREE! Your guide to overcoming the trauma of sexual violence     One in six women has suffered rape or attempted rape. Most cases are never reported, meaning the attackers go free—while those assaulted are often imprisoned by the trauma. They are held gripped by:   ·       &… Read more…

Choosing Forgiveness: Your Journey to Freedom

Choosing Forgiveness: Your Journey to Freedom

by Nancy Leigh DeMoss and Christine Dente

Narrated by DeMoss, Nancy Leigh

It's time to get your life back. Perhaps you still remember the moment - the time of day, the look in the other person’s eye when you were hurt, when your hopes and dreams were damaged by someone you trusted. And since then your life has been put on hold, sabotaged by harbored resentment, dreams of revenge, or perhaps indifference and numbness. Or … Read more…

Stuck in Reverse: How to Let God Change Your Direction

Stuck in Reverse: How to Let God Change Your Direction

by Charles F. Stanley

Narrated by Stephen Bowlby

Ever wondered why it seems your life is going nowhere? Thoughts of giving up, tossing in the towel, and walking away plague your every step. In Stuck in Reverse, Dr. Charles Stanley issues one clear call, “No matter what life sends your way, don’t give up. God is at work, and if you will let Him, He will show you the steps you need to take to be … Read more…

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Wandering and Wondering: The Process That Brings Purpose

Wandering and Wondering: The Process That Brings Purpose

by Randall Worley

Mark Twain once said, “The two greatest days in your life are the day you were born, and the day you find out why.” But what happens when you know the why but can't figure out how to make it happen? It is this journey between the realization of your purpose and its actualization that Randall Worley calls process. Purpose, which answers why, c… Read more…

Bad News Religion: The Virus that Attacks God's Grace

Bad News Religion: The Virus that Attacks God's Grace

by Greg Albrecht

From any non-Christian point of view, the gospel does not make sense. Grace doesn't make sense.  Grace doesn't add up. Why would Jesus come to be one of us, to pay a debt He did not owe, because we owed a debt we could not pay? Why would He do that? Free? No strings? What was in it for Him? Since the church first began, Christians have had trouble a… Read more…

Restored at the Root: Get to the Source of Social, Emotional, and Spiritual Struggle

Restored at the Root: Get to the Source of Social, Emotional, and Spiritual Struggle

by Joseph W Walker

Don’t treat the consequence. Treat the cause. This book will help you gain a greater understanding of the issues that are consuming your life and will guide you toward living a life of social, emotional, and spiritual wellness. Through Jesus Christ we have the ability to be completely free of the emotional, social, and spiritual struggles that have us … Read more…

Overturning Tables: Freeing Missions from the Christian-Industrial Complex

Overturning Tables: Freeing Missions from the Christian-Industrial Complex

by Scott A. Bessenecker

Outreach Resource of the Year RecommendationBest World Missions Book, from Byron Borger, Hearts and Minds BookstoreWe are more than the businesses we have become.Much of Christian ministry has been shaped to operate not according to the witness of the Scriptures, but according to the values of the free market. We adopt metrics of success that have nothing to… Read more…

Victory Over the Darkness

Victory Over the Darkness

by Neil Anderson

Narrated by Anderson, Neil

Discover who you are in Christ!  “You will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free.” John 8:32 It’s Jesus’ promise to you—the promise that you will live triumphantly. But what keeps you from really walking in the joy of the Lord? The powers of darkness attack you daily. But, as Dr. Neil Anderson explains in Victory … Read more…

Saving the Saved: How Jesus Saves Us from Try-Harder Christianity into Performance-Free Love

Saving the Saved: How Jesus Saves Us from Try-Harder Christianity into Performance-Free Love

by Bryan Loritts

White-knuckling can never get you where you want to go. But grace can.You already know because you’ve tried: repeated attempts to earn God’s love and approval get you nowhere and leave you exhausted. When performance taints our relationship with him, the Christian life can turn into an unholy hustle. It was never meant to be like this.In Saving t… Read more…

Loved by God Devotional: 52 Encouraging Reminders That You Are Seen, Known, and Free

Loved by God Devotional: 52 Encouraging Reminders That You Are Seen, Known, and Free

You are seen. You are known. You are free. You are loved.Does anyone see me? If they knew the real me, they might not accept me. So often women feel invisible, pretending to be okay while staggering under the weight of the hidden burdens they carry. God sees. He knows us inside and out—and loves us anyway. Jesus offers freedom from our burdens, promising r… Read more…