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Looking for Something New for Fall? Browse These Books!

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Your search for 'free maps' returned 10 of 2,161 matches.

Discipleship Counseling

Discipleship Counseling

by Dr. Neil T. Anderson and Sandy Mason

Building on the concepts found in Victory over the Darkness and The Bondage Breaker, Neil Anderson's counseling ministry guide provides clear information and excellent models to help you understand what discipleship counseling is all about. If you're a pastor, counselor, or lay leader, this resource will make you more comfortable, confident, and comp… Read more…

In Touch Study Series

In Touch Study Series

by Charles Stanley, Charles F. Stanley and Charles F Stanley ( personal)

The Bible says, "For God so loved the world..." But what does that really mean for us as believers?This Bible study from Dr. Charles Stanley provides Biblical insights that explore God's mission for us to be freed from sin, and restored to a love relationship with Him. When we establish a solid basis for intimate communion with God, we are free to p… Read more…

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Feasting on the Word Guide to Children's Sermons

Feasting on the Word Guide to Children's Sermons

by David L. Bartlett and Carol Bartlett

Feasting on the Word Guide to Children's Sermons equips church leaders and children's ministry volunteers to deliver children's sermons that are free of gimmicks and simplistic conclusions, that welcome children into the family of faith, and that give a foundation in God's good news for all people. This volume will address the common ques… Read more…

Fantasy Fallacy: Exposing the Deeper Meaning Behind Sexual Thoughts

Fantasy Fallacy: Exposing the Deeper Meaning Behind Sexual Thoughts

by Stephen Arterburn and Shannon Ethridge

Erotica has invaded more than our minds – it has exploded onto our bestseller lists and into our bedrooms.Many are looking to sexual and emotional fantasies as avenues to fulfillment.Our fantasies, however, are not reliable guides into the future—they are actually rocky road maps from our past. Best-selling author Shannon Ethridge theorizes, “Fantasies… Read more…

Pray for the World: A New Prayer Resource from Operation World

Pray for the World: A New Prayer Resource from Operation World

by Molly Wall

For decades, Operation World has been the world's leading resource for people who want to impact the nations for Christ through prayer. Its twofold purpose has been to inform for prayer and to mobilize for mission. Now the research team of Operation World offers this abridged version of the 7th edition called Pray for the World as an accessible resource … Read more…

Most Significant People, Places, and Events in the Bible: A Quickview Guide

Most Significant People, Places, and Events in the Bible: A Quickview Guide

by Christopher D. Hudson

As the inspired Word of God, the Bible is beautifully complex and rich—this can sometimes make it a difficult book to read, understand, and retain. Using lists, maps, charts, and other visual aids, The Most Significant People, Places, and Events in the Bible brings to visual clarity the overarching story of Scripture. Author Christopher D. Hudson&mdash… Read more…

Book of Matthew

Book of Matthew

by Larry Richards, Dewey Bertolini and Rebecca Bertolini

What did the arrival of the promised Messiah mean for the Jews of Matthew's day? What does it mean for you today?The Smart Guide to the Bible: The Book of Matthew gives you valuable insights into Christ's life, teachings, death, and resurrection so you can more fully experience the purpose and power of King Jesus at work in your life.The Smart G… Read more…

Book of Mark

Book of Mark

by Larry Richards, Thomas Nelson and Rachel Held Evans

Mark told it like it was so you could see Jesus as He is.Each Gospel, or biography of Jesus, is unique. Likely penned first, Mark's fast-paced narrative takes you into the action and gets to the point. With the verse-by-verse insights in The Smart Guide to the Bible: The Book of Mark, you'll experience the unparalleled power of Jesus and be… Read more…

On Purpose: Living Life As It Was Intended

On Purpose: Living Life As It Was Intended

by Jonny Ivey

The urge to live a purposeful life is no coincidence. We were created and called to be the image of a purposeful God. // \"What am I for?\" It�s a question we rarely ask, yet it�s the very question we spend our lives trying to answer. We know we must have a purpose, but it�s hard to define and harder to live. \"Could I be missing out? Did I ruin everyt… Read more…

All of Grace: The Infinite Love of God

All of Grace: The Infinite Love of God

by Charles H. Spurgeon

In All of Grace, Charles H. Spurgeon outlines the plan of salvation in such clear, simple language that everyone can understand and be drawn to the Father. Any attempt to please God based upon our own works brings self-righteousness and coldness of heart. It is the free grace and mercy of God that makes the heart glow with warmth and thankfulness for God&rsq… Read more…