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Your search for 'free maps' returned 10 of 2,161 matches.

Swindoll's Living Insights: Insights on 1 & 2 Corinthians

Swindoll's Living Insights: Insights on 1 & 2 Corinthians

by Charles R. Swindoll

Corinth, a diverse, cosmopolitan city sitting at a strategic center of commerce for both Greece and the wider Roman Empire, was known for its decadence and wealth. In his commentary on 1 and 2 Corinthians, Chuck Swindoll explores how Paul took the Corinthian church to task for taking on the character of the city instead of the character of Christ. As Chuck s… Read more…

The Rules of Engagement for Overcoming Your Past: Breaking Free From Guilt, Rejection, Abuse, and Betrayal

The Rules of Engagement for Overcoming Your Past: Breaking Free From Guilt, Rejection, Abuse, and Betrayal

by Cindy Trimm

When you have a specific issue in your life, you need a specific strategy. We all have things in our past that can derail our futures if we don’t learn how to overcome them. Strongholds and emotional attachments we allow in our lives—passed down to us from the culture, our education, and even our families—that can keep us going in circles.   … Read more…

NIV Bible Speaks Today Study Bible

NIV Bible Speaks Today Study Bible

by Martin Manser, Debra Reid and Andrew Clarke

Enjoy the best of the popular and highly readable Bible Speaks Today (BST) series in a study Bible format! The study Bible, like the series, presents and explains the biblical text with accuracy, along with relating it to contemporary life. With over 2300 extracts, the study Bible offers a wealth of information covering key themes and passages, along with in… Read more…

Barbarian Way: Unleash the Untamed Faith Within

Barbarian Way: Unleash the Untamed Faith Within

by Erwin Raphael McManus

It's time to rediscover the passionate, fearless life that Jesus called us to live. Are you ready to choose the barbarian way?In today's world, where faith often walks the line of comfort and convenience, The Barbarian Way, stands as a thunderous call to break free and experience Christianity as it was truly meant to be - wild, free, and untamed.An a… Read more…

Goliath Must Fall: Audio Bible Studies: Winning the Battle Against Your Giants

Goliath Must Fall: Audio Bible Studies: Winning the Battle Against Your Giants

by Louie Giglio

Narrated by Louie Giglio

You have a giant in your life. An adversary that's diminishing your ability to live fully in Christ. Whatever it may be—rejection, fear, anger, comfort, or addiction—this giant stands between you and God's promise...and it must fall. Like with David and the Israelites, God has a better plan for you than to stand and be taunted day after d… Read more…

The Serpent and the Soul: Deliverance From Leviathan, Python, and Other Strangling Spirits

The Serpent and the Soul: Deliverance From Leviathan, Python, and Other Strangling Spirits

by Katie Souza

Healing cannot happen unless you confront the demonic strongholds attacking you.   After reading this book, you will discover the strategies of Python, and Leviathan; identify their primary targets; and learn how to defeat them. You will gain confidence and understanding to sever the strongholds gripping your life. Instead of being constricted by serpen… Read more…

Clout: Discover and Unleash Your God-Given Influence

Clout: Discover and Unleash Your God-Given Influence

by Jenni Catron and Patrick Lencioni

You have clout. Have you discovered it yet? It is easy to believe that power, influence, and leadership are gifts given to a special few. But the Bible says otherwise.     We all long for significance, even as we fear we will never be good enough. We listen for God, but hear only voices of doubt and practicality. Listen again. There is a call… Read more…

Enemy Access Denied: Slam the Devil's Door With One Simple Decision

Enemy Access Denied: Slam the Devil's Door With One Simple Decision

by John Bevere

Imagine your life if you could walk free from sin and keep Satan out of your personal and business affairs. What is the key? In this bestselling book, formerly titled The Devil's Door, John Bevere reveals that the greatest form of spiritual warfare for any Christian is the powerful force of an obedient life. Enemy Access Denied will give you a fresh reve… Read more…

New Day, New Me: Devotions of Acceptance, Courage, and Surrender

New Day, New Me: Devotions of Acceptance, Courage, and Surrender

by Mike Shea

New Day, New Me is a devotional designed to help those in recovery. Everyone is in recovery from something. You can develop, strengthen, or renew a relationship with God one day at a time. It is essential to depend on someone, or something, other than ourselves. Daily devotion, prayer, and meditation time are critical components of maintaining sobriety and b… Read more…

What Is Predestination?

What Is Predestination?

by R.C. Sproul

The Bible clearly teaches that we contribute nothing to our salvation. It is the gift of God (Eph. 2:8), and He alone saves. Yet many Christians bristle at this idea. If God decides who will believe, they reason, doesn’t that destroy free will? Isn’t it unfair to punish people who had no choice? In this booklet, Dr. R.C. Sproul clears up common misconcep… Read more…