Search results for Olive Tree Bible Software

Looking for Something New for Fall? Browse These Books!

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Your search for 'free maps' returned 10 of 2,161 matches.

Christian Tradition in English Literature

Christian Tradition in English Literature

by Paul Cavill and Heather Ward

Features:• Wide chronological coverage of English literature, especially texts found in the Norton, Oxford, Blackwell and other standard anthologies• Short, punchy essays that engage with the texts, the critics, and literary and social issues• Background and survey articles• Glossaries of Bible themes, images and narratives• Annotate… Read more…

New Day, New Me: Devotions of Acceptance, Courage, and Surrender

New Day, New Me: Devotions of Acceptance, Courage, and Surrender

by Mike Shea

New Day, New Me is a devotional designed to help those in recovery. Everyone is in recovery from something. You can develop, strengthen, or renew a relationship with God one day at a time. It is essential to depend on someone, or something, other than ourselves. Daily devotion, prayer, and meditation time are critical components of maintaining sobriety and b… Read more…

What Is Predestination?

What Is Predestination?

by R.C. Sproul

The Bible clearly teaches that we contribute nothing to our salvation. It is the gift of God (Eph. 2:8), and He alone saves. Yet many Christians bristle at this idea. If God decides who will believe, they reason, doesn’t that destroy free will? Isn’t it unfair to punish people who had no choice? In this booklet, Dr. R.C. Sproul clears up common misconcep… Read more…

Clout: Discover and Unleash Your God-Given Influence

Clout: Discover and Unleash Your God-Given Influence

by Jenni Catron

Narrated by Gabe Wicks and Hayley Cresswell

You have clout. Have you discovered it yet?It is easy to believe that power, influence, and leadership are gifts given to a special few. But the Bible says otherwise.    We all long for significance, even as we fear we will never be good enough. We listen for God, but hear only voices of doubt and practicality. Listen again. There is a call th… Read more…

The Rules of Engagement for Overcoming Your Past: Breaking Free From Guilt, Rejection, Abuse, and Betrayal

The Rules of Engagement for Overcoming Your Past: Breaking Free From Guilt, Rejection, Abuse, and Betrayal

by Cindy Trimm

When you have a specific issue in your life, you need a specific strategy. We all have things in our past that can derail our futures if we don’t learn how to overcome them. Strongholds and emotional attachments we allow in our lives—passed down to us from the culture, our education, and even our families—that can keep us going in circles.   … Read more…

Game Plan for Life Bible Notes

Game Plan for Life Bible Notes

by Joe Gibbs

This is your Playbook for life. In life, you’re going to get tackled, intercepted, or end up in the wall. So how do you prepare and be ready when life slams you unexpectedly? Maybe your struggle is with your finances, your relationships, your job, or perhaps you just hope to gain understanding of some of the basics about God, salvation… Read more…

Goodbye, Yesterday!: Activating the 12 Laws of Boundary-Defying Faith

Goodbye, Yesterday!: Activating the 12 Laws of Boundary-Defying Faith

by Cindy Trimm

FROM THE BEST-SELLING AUTHOR OF THE PRAYER WARRIOR'S WAY; THE ART OF WAR FOR SPIRITUAL BATTLE; HELLO, TOMORROW!; AND COMMANDING YOUR MORNING SELLING MORE THAN ONE MILLION COPIES COMBINED.Your yesterday does not define your tomorrow. This book will set you free from the past, change the way you see yourself, and push you to pursue your future and all that… Read more…

Don't Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table: It's Time to Win the Battle of Your Mind...

Don't Give the Enemy a Seat at Your Table: It's Time to Win the Battle of Your Mind...

by Louie Giglio

Narrated by Louie Giglio

Publishers Weekly bestsellerThis audiobook edition features exclusive content including a recording of Louie’s sermon that inspired this book; an interview with Jay and Katherine Wolf, the authors of Hope Heals and Suffer Strong; and off-script commentary from Louie that expands on his message. Discover how to break free from the chains of negativ… Read more…

Overcoming Familiar Spirits: Deliverance from Unseen Demonic Enemies and Spiritual Debt (Spiritual Warfare)

Overcoming Familiar Spirits: Deliverance from Unseen Demonic Enemies and Spiritual Debt (Spiritual Warfare)

by Kynan Bridges

Have You Unknowingly Invited Demonic Enemies into Your Life?  Many Christians are being tormented by unseen demonic powers called “familiar spirits” that operate inconspicuously within the fabric of people’s thoughts, emotions, and mindsets—working so secretly that they usually remain undetected. These demonic spirits can be atta… Read more…

Suffering Saviour

Suffering Saviour

by F Krummacher

The Suffering Saviour is a series of meditations on the events of Holy Week. This rich volume on the sufferings and death of Christ is one of the great devotional classics of all time. Its dramatized discourses interpret and portray the events of the last days of our Lord. The vividness and beauty of Krummacher's style, together with his crystal-clea… Read more…