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For the Olive Tree Bible App

Colossians and Philemon: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

Colossians and Philemon: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

by Dick Lucas

Fullness and freedom - two aspects of Christian life that we all want to share. Paul wrote about them at length (and depth) in his letter to the Christians at Colossae, where certain new teachers were proclaiming that 'mere Christianity' is not enough. There is, they suggested, a fuller experience, a greater liberation, than they had so far enjoyed. … Read more…

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Thessalonians: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

Thessalonians: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

by John Stott

How can two brief letters to a church in first-century Macedonia speak to us today? John Stott believes that Paul's letters to the Christians in Thessalonica offer three main guidelines to churches at the beginning of the twenty-first century; a model for ministry, as Paul's self-giving, prayerful love for the church challenges Chr… Read more…

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1 Timothy and Titus: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

1 Timothy and Titus: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

by John Stott

The Apostle's overriding preoccupation throughout his Pastoral Letters is with the truth - that it may be faithfully guarded and handed on. John Stott is at pains to convey Paul's passionate concern for the future of the gospel, and for younger pastors charged with its care. Paul's concern is pertinent today. Contemporary cultu… Read more…

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2 Timothy: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

2 Timothy: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

by John Stott

John Stott writes, 'During the gestation of this book I seem to have lived inside the second letter of Paul to Timothy. In imagination I have sat down beside Timothy and have tried myself to hear and heed this final charge from the aging apostle ... 'On each occasion I have been impressed afresh by the timeliness for today of what … Read more…

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Hebrews: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

Hebrews: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

by Raymond E. Brown

Times were hard for the first readers of the letter to the Hebrews. Many had been exposed to fierce persecution. They had been assaulted, their homes had been plundered, and some had been cast into prison. To such people this letter came as an encouragement. The writer of the letter turns their eyes to Christ, and shows how he fulfils the … Read more…

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James: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

James: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

by J. A. Motyer

As a good communicator, James addressed his readers directly and pointedly, with vivid images from ordinary life and attention-gripping statements. The Message of James brings James' letter to life for today's reader. Alec Motyer is himself gripped by James' energy and concern for practical Christianity. The letter shows how a … Read more…

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1 Peter: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

1 Peter: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

by Edmund P. Clowney

The message of Peter's first letter turned the world upside-down for his readers. He saw the people of the young church of the first century as strangers, aliens who were only temporary residents, travellers heading for their native land. Peter speaks to our own pilgrimage when he tells of suffering now and glory to come. Stormy season… Read more…

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2 Peter & Jude: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

2 Peter & Jude: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

by Dick Lucas and Christopher Green

The letters of 2 Peter and Jude form a robust pair, with their distinctive overlap in theme and wording. These letters are sometimes overlooked, yet their message for today's church is powerfully relevant. Both their writers aim to expose false guide who bewitch young believers. In response, they set before the churches bedrock conditi… Read more…

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John's Letters: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

John's Letters: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

by David Jackman

In a climate of disunity and doctrinal deviation, the apostle John called his first readers to live in the love and truth of God. David Jackman has no doubt that John's letters are a vital, powerful word from the Lord to the church today around the world. So often we take extreme positions, leading to a fragmentation of both churches a… Read more…

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Revelation: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

Revelation: Bible Speaks Today (BST)

by Michael Wilcock

What is the book of Revelation? Does it describe in veiled language events of its writer's own day, or is it largely a prophecy of events still to come? Is it a chart of the whole of history from Christ's first coming to his second? Or does it deal chiefly with principles which are always valid in Christian experience? And what is … Read more…

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Genesis: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

Genesis: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

by John Walton

Genesis serves as a foundation for the doctrine of redemption. From the beginning, God shows himself to be relatable, purposeful, and active. He truly cares about His creation and desires to be present, rather than watching events from a distance. To come to an understanding of our own history of salvation, we must place God first, just as Genesis demonstr… Read more…

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Exodus: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

Exodus: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

by Peter Enns

The Israelites’ exodus from Egypt was a time of intense vulnerability that called the entire nation to trust in God more than ever before. The Israelites’ doubt of God’s promise to deliver them certainly strikes chords in our own lives today, as we are called to believe in Christ and his sacrifice for us. Just as Israel was lead into the land of promis… Read more…

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Leviticus, Numbers: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

Leviticus, Numbers: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

by Roy Gane

Leviticus and Numbers continue to tell the story of Israel’s failures and God’s relentless love in spite of them. Though these books deal with genuinely hard issues and seem to paint a harsh picture of God, they also emphasize the absolute holiness of God compared to sinful humanity. God wanted His people to be set apart from the rest of humanity in the … Read more…

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Deuteronomy: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

Deuteronomy: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

by Daniel Block

Arranged as a series of sermons, the book of Deuteronomy represents the final major segment of the biography of Moses. The sermons review events described in earlier books and challenges Israel to faithful living in the future. The theological significance of Deuteronomy cannot be overestimated. Few books in the Bible proclaim such a relevant word of grace a… Read more…

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Joshua: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

Joshua: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

by Robert L. Hubbard Jr.

Whereas preceding books of the Bible are largely an account of Israel’s shortcomings, Joshua is a success story. Here, God’s people finally take possession of the land promised to them. They conquer a number of rival kingdoms and experience the fullness of God’s blessings. This book is a window into the good that God has planned for His people. Howev… Read more…

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Judges, Ruth (Revised Edition): NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

Judges, Ruth (Revised Edition): NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

by K Lawson Younger

The NIV Application Commentary helps you communicate and apply biblical text effectively in today's contextThe books of Judges and Ruth have relevance for our lives today. Judges because it reveals a God who employs very human deliverers but refuses to gloss over their sins and their consequences. And Ruth because it demonstrates the far-reaching impact … Read more…

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1&2 Samuel: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

1&2 Samuel: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

by Bill T. Arnold

These two books, which chronicle the beginning of Israel’s period as a unified kingdom, contain themes that are universally applicable. The characters who populate the stories in the book are so fundamentally human that they are easy to relate to. Saul and David, despite their power and influence as kings, were ultimately flawed individuals. Bathsheba an… Read more…

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1&2 Kings: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

1&2 Kings: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

by August H. Konkel

Many people, when reading the books of Kings, treat them merely as a chronology of Israel’s history after the death of David. The books cover the reign of Solomon, division of the kingdom, and the spiritual decline of the kingdoms as a whole through the reigns of the ensuing kings. However, behind this historical account there are other figures who have … Read more…

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1&2 Chronicles: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

1&2 Chronicles: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

by Andrew Hill

These two books were written to provide a message of encouragement and hope. The chronicler keeps track of vital events in Israel’s history, such as Solomon’s reign and the rulers that followed him, Israel’s North/South split, and the people’s extreme fluctuations in faith. Through it all, however, God cares for His chosen people. Despite their shor… Read more…

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Esther: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

Esther: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

by Karen H. Jobes

The book of Esther tells a story of God’s providence, without ever directly mentioning Him. Set while the Israelites are captives in Persia, God’s chosen people are repeatedly endangered by people like Haman, who desires that every Jew be put to death. However, they are repeatedly protected by God. No doubt Haman sees God’s saving action as some shadow… Read more…

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Ezra, Nehemiah: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

Ezra, Nehemiah: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

by Donna Petter and Thomas Petter

The NIV Application Commentary helps you communicate and apply biblical text effectively in today's contextGod led Jerusalem through a period of restoration and revival by calling on Ezra and Nehemiah to overcome opposition and rebuild the city physically and spiritually. Ezra and Nehemiah each displayed selflessness and devotion by following their calli… Read more…

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Job: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

Job: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

by John Walton

The title character of the book of Job suffers terribly, but we should not mistakenly think that this book is just about Job. It is about all of us, and ultimately about God. Many have thought that the book simply restates the perennial questions that plague humankind in a world full of suffering. But often our questions are too limited, and we must learn to… Read more…

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Psalms Vol 1 (Psalms 1-72): NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

Psalms Vol 1 (Psalms 1-72): NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

by Gerald H. Wilson

The book of Psalms one of the best examples of theology from below, or human words directed to God. This human origin, however, should not deny the Psalms their place in biblical canon for a reason. The words of the psalms give us a vehicle for our emotions, whether we are faced with joy or pain. In the midst of our humanity we are met with words that open o… Read more…

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Psalms Vol 2 (Psalms 73-150): NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

Psalms Vol 2 (Psalms 73-150): NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

by Tucker Jr and Jamie A Grant

Psalms, Volume 2, which is part of the NIV Application Commentary Series, helps readers learn how the message of the Psalms can have the same powerful impact today that it did when they were first written. The majority of Bible commentaries take readers on a one-way trip to the world of the Bible. But they leave them there, assuming that t… Read more…

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Proverbs: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

Proverbs: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

by Paul E. Koptak

The world’s definition of wisdom and God’s definition of wisdom do not often coincide. Popular culture often causes us to doubt what we know is right in God’s eyes. Sometimes we end up wandering from His will for months or even years before we learn to once again regard His wisdom more than the world’s. In a society at odds with God’s desires for … Read more…

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Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

Ecclesiastes, Song of Songs: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

by Iain Provan

These two books are perhaps the most uniquely challenging books of Scripture. Not only is the language itself is confusing, but it is made even more so because of the seeming contradictions in the text. Furthermore, the writers employ poetic techniques that are relatively unfamiliar for many modern readers. For example, one of the most demanding tasks in th… Read more…

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Isaiah: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

Isaiah: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

by John Oswalt

Like the other prophets, Isaiah’s writings are full of judgment, hope, and encouragement. Israel is a nation that knows God’s truth but, rather than living it, is hardened to it. Though God’s interactions with His people seem beyond understanding, or even altogether missing, His identity as redeemer is emphasized above all else. Isaiah is sharply aware… Read more…

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Jeremiah, Lamentations: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

Jeremiah, Lamentations: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

by J. Andrew Dearman

It books is impossible to arrive at a correct understanding of Jeremiah and Lamentations without an awareness of the historical context and political climate of Judah in the times these books were written. They reveal the close tie between a people’s spiritual and political conditions. Following God ends in blessing, while forsaking Him leads to disaster, … Read more…

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Ezekiel: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

Ezekiel: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

by Iain M. Duguid

Ezekiel is one of the stranger books of the Bible. This book contains content ranging from a litany of prophetic judgments to a vision of a valley floor of old bones being raised to life by God. It can be difficult to look at this variety and see how the book can be relevant. But Ezekiel also emphasizes personal responsibility in one’s walk with God. God … Read more…

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Daniel: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

Daniel: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

by Tremper Longman III

We all come across moments in our lives where we are forced to let go of any semblance of control and place our trust in God. The book of Daniel traces the lives of four dedicated followers of God who continually choose to follow Him despite the culture they’re surrounded by. Their perseverance eventually results in great blessing, both for them and everyo… Read more…

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Hosea, Amos, Micah: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

Hosea, Amos, Micah: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

by Gary V. Smith

Despite the obvious differences between our modern culture and that of ancient Israel, there are some central, essentially human characteristics about us that have not changed. We have made advances in almost every imaginable field, but we still struggle with the brokenness that sin brings into our lives. We must rely as heavily as ever upon God’s promise… Read more…

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Joel, Obadiah, Malachi: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

Joel, Obadiah, Malachi: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

by David W. Baker

While these books are largely characterized by God’s judgment on a sinful, rebellious people, they are by no means without hope of redemption. Though Israel will encounter God’s judgment time and again through history, God promises to pour out His Spirit on all nations. The coming of the Messiah is strongly foreshadowed, offering readers hope for redempt… Read more…

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Jonah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

Jonah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

by James Bruckner

Despite the brevity of Jonah, Nahum, Habakkuk, and Zephaniah, these books contain forceful messages. Whether we’re in need of comfort when our lives are spinning out of control, stronger faith in the face of adversity, or clarity when it comes to understanding our relationship with God, these Minor Prophets speak to our fundamental human needs with a surpr… Read more…

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Haggai, Zechariah: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

Haggai, Zechariah: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

by Mark J. Boda

These books are set after the Jews’ return from the Babylonian exile. Once again, the people of Israel have gone their own way and have neglected God’s will. These prophetic works explore the tensions that surround YHWH’s second temple and the trials that Israel faced in returning to God in order to be a blessing for the whole world. … Read more…

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Matthew: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

Matthew: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

by Michael J. Wilkins

The NIV Application Commentary on Matthew shows readers how this Gospel can have the same transformative force today as it did when it was first written. There is no way to exaggerate the effect the Gospel of Matthew has had on the church through the ages, especially right after Jesus’ ascension. His constant citations of scripture were … Read more…

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Mark: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

Mark: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

by David E. Garland

The Gospel according to Mark is widely known for its short but concise narrative-driven account of Jesus’ life—his ministry and subsequent death and resurrection. Get straight to the core of Jesus’ saving character by studying Mark, which many scholars think is a common source for the other Gospels. Let its message of new life—new life without end—… Read more…

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Luke: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

Luke: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

by Darrell L. Bock

Luke’s gospel has earned a reputation for being greatly concerned with social justice. Jesus’ attention to those downtrodden for reason of race, class, or gender is a stunning example of how we ought to treat our neighbors. His extensively detailed ministry to diverse groups of people for the sake of unity is a particularly important message in the face… Read more…

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John: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

John: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

by Gary M. Burge

The Gospel of John stands apart from Matthew, Mark, and Luke with a singularly unique perspective on the personality of Jesus. From his deliberate echo of Genesis at the beginning of his Gospel and on through the subsequent chapters, John provides an indispensable portrait of the messiah, without which our picture of Christ would be tragically lacking. &… Read more…

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Acts: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

Acts: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

by Ajith Fernando

The early church was incredibly active in its mission to bring God’s word to the world. What started as a small, Jewish cultic movement erupted into a dominant world religion—and all because of God’s absolute love for His people. Acts is a prime example of what active faith looks like, and guards against the incorrect tendency of relying on knowledge f… Read more…

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Romans: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

Romans: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

by Douglas J. Moo

The idea of absolute truth has largely disappeared from our culture. But God’s truth does not fade, and His claims on our lives must stand out in the midst of postmodernism. The church in Rome needed this message just as we do today—the message of who God is, and what He’s done for us through His sacrifice on the cross. By growing in our understanding … Read more…

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1 Corinthians: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

1 Corinthians: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

by Craig L. Blomberg

Just as Protestants are now split into countless denominations, the Corinthian church was marred, albeit on a smaller scale, by factions and discord. It fell to Paul to reconcile the church to itself in the face of convictions alike only in the strength that their adherents clung to them with. Subjects like eating habits, doctrine, marriage, lawsuits, and wo… Read more…

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2 Corinthians: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

2 Corinthians: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

by Scott J. Hafemann

2 Corinthians follows in the footsteps of 1 Corinthians by providing a window into both Paul’s character and the character of God. You’ll get an intimate glimpse into Paul’s heart and his love for the church in this NIV Application Commentary volume by Scott J. Hafermann, who shows us both the original meaning of 2 Corinthians and how its message appli… Read more…

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Galatians: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

Galatians: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

by Scot McKnight

This study of Galatians, a part of the NIV Application Commentary series, certainly does not stop at doctrine. The author examines the epistle to the church in Galatia through Paul’s eyes, using the so-called “new perspective” approach: the belief that Judaism, in that time, did not adhere to a “works based” way of being righteous. He remains utter… Read more…

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Ephesians: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

Ephesians: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

by Klyne Snodgrass

Ephesians transcends the paradigm of works-based righteousness. Indeed, there is no ladder high enough that we can climb to heaven—only Christ can restore our relationship with God. And he does: we have so much more than forgiveness in Christ. Our lives are constantly being transformed to look more and more like the example set for us by Jesus. The NIV App… Read more…

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Philippians: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

Philippians: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

by Frank Thielman

Paul wrote his letter to the church in Philippi during his imprisonment under Rome’s authority. He encourages its members not to worry and provides an inspiring example of finding joy in suffering for the sake of Christ. He exhorts them to make evangelization their first priority, and be unified in Christ. Frank Thielman (Ph.D., Duke University) uses this … Read more…

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Colossians, Philemon: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

Colossians, Philemon: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

by David E. Garland

The letters to the Colossians and Philemon come with unique historical and textual challenges. Of particular concern is the issue of authorship: did Paul really write these letters? If he didn’t write them, should they be included in Biblical cannon? Where do we draw the line for cultural admonishments vs. universal commands—especially concerning the rol… Read more…

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1&2 Thessalonians: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

1&2 Thessalonians: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

by Michael W. Holmes

These letters to the church in Thessalonica are historically enlightening and comparatively unique when it comes to Paul’s writings as a whole. In them he addresses his eschatological views, or how people ought to live in light of Christ’s eventual second coming. Michael W. Holmes (Ph.D., Princeton Theological Seminary) gives us an excellent foundation o… Read more…

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1&2 Timothy, Titus: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

1&2 Timothy, Titus: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

by Walter L. Liefeld

Just as today’s church deals with a myriad of issues, Christians in Paul’s time had issues of their own. Doctrinal matters are now dividing lines between thousands of denominations—Paul sensed that danger of division thousands of years ago as he wrote his letters to Timothy and Titus, two young church leaders. He writes about false teachers, the role o… Read more…

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Hebrews: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

Hebrews: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

by George H. Guthrie

The author of Hebrews writes about a variety of issues including repentance, faith, transformed living, and Jesus as Messiah and high priest. George H. Guthrie (Ph.D., Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary) writes on the original, theological importance of Hebrews in this book of the NIV Application Commentary, as well as how we can apply that to our mo… Read more…

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James: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

James: NIV Application Commentary (NIVAC)

by David P. Nystrom

James’ epistle is considered by some to be the most difficult New Testament book to comprehend. Its focus is on doing good works, as opposed to the faith that is central to the majority of the other books in the New Testament. This is easy to misunderstand, especially when this seemingly contradictory focus is supported by extensive quotations from Jesus.… Read more…

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(Number of titles: 181)