In an earlier article, we mentioned the fact that the best way to interpret Scripture is to let the Bible interpret the Bible. This current article focuses on the use of cross references provided by The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge (TSK), a classic Bible study tool still widely used today. We will see how to use TSK cross references to let the Bible speak for itself. In particular, we will let the Scriptures speak to us about the revelation of God’s Son in the whole Bible.
This eBook is part of a series of articles brought to you exclusively by Olive Tree Bible Software - Exploring the Bible on Your PDA. By providing these articles, we want to help those who use our products (and potential users) learn more about our Bible study tools and how to get the most out of each. You may download this eBook to read using the BibleReader software or read the article online.
Excerpt: "In his introduction to The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge, R. A. Torrey says that the best Bible commentary is the Bible itself. This makes a thorough set of cross references a tool of great value. Using cross references allows the Bible student to do as little interpreting as possible, but rather to let the whole Bible, in all its richness, explain what it means. The apostle Peter said, 'No prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation, for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit' (2 Pet. 1:20-21, NKJV). Peter’s statement is a caution to us all about imposing our own thought and interpretation on the Bible...."