John Wesley's gift for preaching was the spark that ignited the Methodist movement in eighteenth-century England. In The Collected Sermons of John Wesley, his influential sermons are made available to modern readers in their original language.
Readers can experience impassioned messages on topics such as The Nature of Enthusiasm—and how any true experience of religious devotion will yield heartfelt joy, calling Christians to bold and often unconventional acts of faithfulness—and Free Grace—about God's grace freely given to all, making transformation and perfection in Christian love possible for any believer.
In each sermon, Wesley communicates his theology and demonstrates his interpretation of scripture. These sermons will be of interest as present-day instruction and inspiration for contemporary Christians, as well as for historical insight into the widespread religious revival that shaped the Holiness movement and today's Methodism. In this free ebook, over 140 of Wesley's sermons are collected and arranged alphabetically by topic.
John Wesley (1703-1791) and his brother Charles were early leaders in the Methodist movement, traveling and preaching in England and North America.