The basic message of Galatians can be summed up in three sentences: Paul had heard that the Galatian Christians were in danger of falling away from the true gospel of grace by turning to a legalistic approach to salvation and the Christian life. His passion for the truth compelled him to call them back to the freedom of salvation by grace alone through faith alone. In doing so, he argued that not only is the sinner saved by grace, but the saved sinner also lives by grace.
The Swindoll’s Living Insights New Testament Commentary draws on 13-time Christian Book Award winner Chuck Swindoll’s more than 50 years of studying and preaching God’s Word. Each volume includes both the NLT and NASB translations of the Bible, verse-by-verse commentary, charts, maps, photos, key terms, and background articles with practical application. A must-have for pastors, teachers, and anyone else who is seeking a deeply practical resource for exploring God’s Word.