Jesus. Holy or human? According to the Bible, he was-and is-both. Fully God and fully man. Our next door Savior. The Christ of your galaxies is the Christ of your Mondays. The Starmaker manages your travel schedule. Relax. You have a friend in high places.
There is no person he won't touch. No place he won't go to find you. For even though he is in heaven, he never left the neighborhood.
The Next Door Savior Participant's Guide is the perfect companion for users of the Next Door Savior Group Study Kit. On the Study Kit DVDs Max Lucado personally teaches what it means for Christ to be our next door Savior. The six lessons in this Participant's Guide correspond with the six lessons in the Study Kit. Every teacher who uses the Study Kit will want each of their class members to have and use a Participant's Guide, for it's in the Bible study and self-reflection questions of this Participant's Guide that each class member will have the opportunity to really learn what it means for our Savior to be 'near enough to touch, and strong enough to trust.'