JeremyWilliams captured the nation’s imagination by coaching his high school footballteam to unprecedented heights while combating ALS and caring for a son withspina bifida. This is his family’s inspiring story.
America firstmet Jeremy and Jennifer Williams when Extreme Makeover: Home Editionrebuilt their Depression-era farmhouse into a beautiful, handicapped-accessiblehaven. Friends, family, and neighbors from their west Georgia community—and allover the state—came together to support the ailing high school coach who hadwon their respect and their hearts. It made for compelling television but onlytold a little slice of the story. Tenacious gives you the rest—a tenderlove story, a thrilling sports story, and an unforgettable testimony to thepower of faith and grit in the face of almost overwhelming adversity. In Tenaciousyou’ll meet:
- The distraught parents learning their son would be born with spina bifida.
- The young father facing his own devastating diagnosis of ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) with matter-of-fact courage.
- The coach who guided his underdog team to a 10–0 Cinderella season—while struggling to walk, talk, and even breathe.
Packed fullof faith, hope, love, and miracles, Tenacious is a story you don’t wantto miss.