Some days we wake to a world of crystal skies and bright possibilities. And other days it’s to rain pelting our windows and thunder rattling our roofs. How can we stay strong when the storms of life hit—when a spouse leaves, a client sues, unemployment strikes, or our dreams fail to come true? Is it possible not just to weather these trials, but bound back even stronger through them?
After facing his own fierce storm, author and broadcaster Sheridan Voysey tried an experiment—he would read Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount every day for a month. That experiment continued a second month, then a third, as he discovered Jesus’ astounding invitation for weak people to become strong, little people to become great, and for all of us to find resilience by putting these radical teachings into practice.
Rich with stories and deep with insight, Resilient is a journey of 90 readings designed to recalibrate your callings, relationships, spiritual practices, and life choices—helping you to find resilience.