The testimonies of a foul-mouthed truant's journey to a billionaire, an academic's "Sacrificial Succession" spiritual principles for mission, and a shy and broken-hearted women's joinery, proves the "Talent Giver," is eager to impart talent to enable those willing to serve His kingdom.
Mission work has never been so accessible; the 21st Century Mission Method is a paradigm shift of the traditional ways of mission, to inspires Christians to do the "Great Commission." Using evangelists from the indigenous churches are the most effective and efficient way of mission in the modern age. It displays the manifold wisdom of God through His Church.
God's call and plan for the church and Christian always align with the last words He spoke to His disciples: "Go make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 28:19)."