This complete one-volume set of Bible charts, maps and artists’ renderings of biblical cities and artifacts opens the eyes of your understanding in a fresh way and provides a deeper dimension to personal and group Bible study. It is the perfect companion to your regular Bible reading, providing visual reinforcement of the important events and messages of Scripture.
Beautiful full-color Bible charts featuring time lines, teachings of Jesus, family trees, lineage of ancient rulers & kingdoms, detailed historical events, and more!
Carefully detailed, full-color maps of Bible lands. Illustrated scale reconstructions of biblical cities and artifacts.
David S. Dockery has been the president of Trinity International University in Deerfield, Illinois since 2014. Before coming to Trinity, Dockery served as president of Union University in Jackson, Tennessee for more than 18 years. He has also served as chairman of the board of the Council for Christian Colleges and Universities. Dockery has authored or edited thirty books including Renewing Minds, Shaping a Christian Worldview, and Christian Leadership Essentials.