The Mosaic of Atonement: Audio Lectures offers a fresh and integrated approach to historic models of atonement.
Modern treatments of the atonement have tended toward two extremes by either singling out one model as most important, or presenting multiple images with no order of arrangement. This video series takes a different approach, exploring the four "pieces" of atonement through the image of a Christ-shaped mosaic:
- The Feet: Recapitulation
- The Heart: Penal Substitution
- The Head: Christus Victor
- The Hands: Moral Influence
Unlike a photograph, a mosaic allows each piece to retain its recognizable particularity, while also integrating them in the service of a single larger image. In the great mosaics of age-old Christian churches, the goal is not to construct the image, as in a puzzle, but to appreciate it.
So too with this mosaic of atonement doctrine. While no one model is set above or against the others, The Mosaic of Atonement: Audio Lectures notes particular ways in which the "pieces"--the feet, heart, head, and hands--mutually support one another to form a more holistic vision of Christ's work.