Day of Judgment, Day of Apocalypse, End of the World-call it what you will, but as the millennium approaches, people's thoughts are turning toward that final reckoning. Will the world as we know it end during the year 2000? Do the rumblings from Wall Street foretell an economic collapse? This is the most complete, far-reaching book Hagee has written about the end times.
John Hagee says, "The world as we know it will end, neither with a bang nor a whimper, but in stages clearly set forth in God's Word." His latest and most provocative book takes a cue from a cultural icon, the ticking clock. Hagee presents a prophetic "Doomsday Clock" and counts down the minutes-through prophetic events-which must occur before that fateful moment when every unredeemed individual must face God on Judgment Day. Citing examples from national and international media and using Scripture to confirm his insights, he presents a compelling argument to prove that time is indeed running out.