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Spiritual Exercises of the Heart
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iPad, iPhone, Android and Windows running app version 7.10 and above, or Mac app version 6.10 and above.
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Did your resource mention a passage of Scripture, but you can't remember what the verse says? Never fear! Tap the linked verse and a pop-up window will appear, giving you quick and easy access to the verse in context.
Spiritual Exercises of the Heart
For the Olive Tree Bible App
Author: Thomas Reade
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
Spiritual Exercises of the Heart
Spiritual Exercises of the Heart
For the Olive Tree Bible App
Author: Thomas Reade
Publisher: Reformation Heritage Books
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Available for:
iPad, iPhone, Android and Windows running app version 7.10 and above, or Mac app version 6.10 and above.
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Did your resource mention a passage of Scripture, but you can't remember what the verse says? Never fear! Tap the linked verse and a pop-up window will appear, giving you quick and easy access to the verse in context.

This book contains 78 insightful reflections on God, His ways, and other aspects of the Christian life. Each meditation encourages the practice of self-examination and prayer, and stimulates us to a more diligent examination of God's Word. 

Table of Contents: 

  1. Christian Retirement
  2. Insensibility to Eternal Things
  3. The Fall
  4. The Prohibition in Paradise
  5. Unbelief
  6. The Total Depravity of the Heart
  7. The Deceitfulness of the Heart
  8. Keeping the Heart
  9. The Blessedness of a New Heart
  10. The Immensity of God
  11. The Divine Sovereignty
  12. The Two Covenants
  13. The Love of God
  14. The Gift of a Savior
  15. The Design of the Gospel
  16. Perverted Views of the Gospel
  17. The Nature of Christianity
  18. Neglecting the Gospel
  19. Inadequate Views of Human Nature
  20. Two Common Errors
  21. The Cause of Skepticism
  22. The Almost Christian
  23. Conversion
  24. The New Creature
  25. Christian Unity
  26. Following the Lord Fully
  27. The Two Great Instruments in the Conversion of Sinners
  28. The Two Sources
  29. The Two Pillars
  30. The Two Ways
  31. Mercy Rejoicing Against Judgment
  32. Intellectual and Spiritual Light
  33. Knowledge and Wisdom
  34. Passive Impressions and Active Habits
  35. Union to Christ
  36. The Christian Character
  37. Christian Motives
  38. Christian Conversation
  39. Christian Privilege
  40. Agreement Necessary to Communion
  41. Separation From the World
  42. The Importance of Self-Knowledge
  43. The Spirit of Prayer
  44. The Cautions and Warnings of Scripture
  45. Self-Deception
  46. Lukewarmness
  47. Forgetfulness of God
  48. Watchfulness
  49. The Danger of Riches
  50. The Thorns in the Parable
  51. The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus
  52. The Three Enemies
  53. Indwelling Sin
  54. Trials
  55. Affliction
  56. The Character of Martha and Mary
  57. The Character of the Bereans
  58. The Living Water
  59. The Burning Bush
  60. Adoption
  61. Faith
  62. Hope
  63. Love
  64. Joy
  65. Peace
  66. Humility
  67. Meekness
  68. Purity
  69. Godly Fear
  70. The Believer’s Aim and Hope
  71. True Happiness
  72. True Religion
  73. Election
  74. Spiritual Vision
  75. Heaven
  76. The Blessedness of the Saints
  77. Christian Obedience
  78. The Day of Judgment
Our Price:
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Available for:
iPad, iPhone, Android and Windows running app version 7.10 and above, or Mac app version 6.10 and above.
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