What makes a good leader? Author and CEO of Ron Blue & Co, Russ Crosson knows—and he learned the hard way: “It’s doubtful that anyone can lead effectively until they’ve been humbled or hurt deeply.”
The result of Russ’s humbling experience has taught him that leadership success isn’t about the leader at all. It’s about the mission of the organization, church, business, or even family where the leader serves. It’s about who will replace you when you’re gone.
If you’re interested in the true bottom line on leadership success, here is a concise but on-target look at what true leadership is like. Russ emphasizes the need for leaders to think about the legacy of their leadership.
There are many books that are “leadership how-tos” or “what to do” books. Here is something different: a why- to book that will help you succeed in more important ways than you ever imagined.