Sagas is a collection of real life stories of mature people who have come to faith in their later years. Amongst others, you'll read about the founder of a well-known fast food chain, a cruise ship entertainer, a hospital worker and a single mother... all of them over 50, all different, but discovering something that was to transform the rest of their lives!
The Cruise Ship Entertainer- Eric Mellor
Politics and an Irrelevant God – Hazel
The Colonel from Kentucky - Colonel Sanders
The Sounds of Music- Carolyn
The Day the Senator Died - Caroline and Richard
The Tupperware Man - Barrie Bailey
Wasted Years – Susan
The Immigrant - Luke Short
Magic, Mystery and Rebellion- Linda
The Family from Yorkshire - Reg
The Farmers Daughter- Kathryn
Comfort in Sorrow – Ernest
The Search - Brenda