Is it really possible to face the final stages of our earthly lives with confidence and without fear?
Mark Ashton describes his own experience of imminent death from inoperable cancer.
Real confidence, he explains, is found in the resurrection of Jesus Christ — an event which, even though it happened 2,000 years ago, has profound implications for us today!
"If you will die one day, please read this book. I had the privilege of watching Mark die from a distance, getting his email updates as he walked toward his death. He taught me the Bible for seven years and married me to my husband, but what I most frequently remember today is how Mark modelled how to die. This book preserves that witness. Buy it. Read it. Give it away."
Rebecca McLaughlin, author of A Secular Creed and Confronting Christianity
This booklet is designed to be given away in vast numbers. Please consider buying this in large numbers.