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Looking for Something New for Fall? Browse These Books!

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Your search for 'free maps' returned 10 of 2,161 matches.



by Beth Redman and Mary Pytches

Beth Redman challenges readers with this message of hope and freedom. In Beautiful, Redman encourages women to become uncomplicated followers of Jesus, breaking free of baggage, insecurity, unforgiveness, gossip, jealousy, and the everyday challenges of being a woman. Beth Redman shares personal stories and anecdotes in her witty, charming writing style, giv… Read more…

Consumer Detox: Less Stuff, More Life

Consumer Detox: Less Stuff, More Life

by Revd. Mark Powley

Consumerism is everywhere. It shapes the way we eat, shop, rest, think, love and believe. We can’t escape it, but how can we live well in the midst of it? We are daily seduced by a 250 billion dollar marketing machine. But how often do we consider how this might influence us? The current prevailing orthodoxy is that life should be lived to the max. By cont… Read more…

Living On Our Heads: Righting an Upside-Down Culture

Living On Our Heads: Righting an Upside-Down Culture

by Rod Parsley

Cultural disorientation has become pandemic. Children act like adults and adults act like children. Mother Earth is worshiped but motherhood is despised. Free speech may get you free room and board in jail. Life is denied and death is affirmed. Dictators are treasured but duly elected leaders are treated with contempt. Honest men are smeared whi… Read more…

Every Thought Captive: Battling the Toxic Belief that Separates Us From the Life We Crave

Every Thought Captive: Battling the Toxic Belief that Separates Us From the Life We Crave

by Jerusha Clark

Narrated by Clark, Jerusha

What's on your mind today? Your significant other, or your lack thereof? The flippant comment someone made? Your image in the mirror or someone else's recent weight loss? Are you wondering what tomorrow will look like, or why yesterday turned out the way it did? // As thoughts like these float through our minds, we often allow ourselves to believe po… Read more…

The 4 Wills of God: The Way He Directs Our Steps and Frees Us to Direct Our Own

The 4 Wills of God: The Way He Directs Our Steps and Frees Us to Direct Our Own

by Emerson Eggerichs

Should you take the job? Quit the job? Begin a relationship? End a relationship? Move? Plant roots?  How do we find God’s will for life's big decisions? What if you had total freedom? Emerson Eggerichs believes there is a clear answer to finding God’s will. The Bible itself reveals the clue--a secret hidden in plain sight. Before launchi… Read more…

Critical Issues. Absolute Answers.

Critical Issues. Absolute Answers.

by Thomas Nelson

Compiled by youth leader Jay Strack, this book is a contemporary resource solidly based in Scripture that parents and youth leaders can use to answer the tough questions teens have about life.  Today’s teens are coming of age in a broken, fallen world. The rise of technology has brought new problems that previous generations have never faced—problem… Read more…

ESV Archaeology Study Bible

ESV Archaeology Study Bible

by John D. Currid and David Chapman

The very foundation of our faith rests on the assurance that the birth, life and death of Jesus all occurred in a certain place and at a certain time, recorded faithfully for us within the pages of Scripture. Also contained within those pages are the stories of real people. The details of how they worked the land, built their houses, and raised their familie… Read more…

Sex and the Soul of a Woman: How God Restores the Beauty of Relationship from the Pain of Regret

Sex and the Soul of a Woman: How God Restores the Beauty of Relationship from the Pain of Regret

by Paula Rinehart

Compassionate counselor Paula Rinehart understands the high price a woman pays in loosening her sexual boundaries, and the unique role sex plays in forging a bond meant to last a lifetime. She shows women how to break free from the bondage of misused sexuality and create a new beginning in their relationships with men.This is required reading for every colle… Read more…

Families Where Grace Is in Place: Building a Home Free of Manipulation, Legalism, and Shame

Families Where Grace Is in Place: Building a Home Free of Manipulation, Legalism, and Shame

by Jeff VanVonderen

Now updated with discussion guides for families and small groups, Families Where Grace Is in Place continues to minister to couples and parents nearly twenty years after it was first published. Using his professional and personal experience, VanVonderen shows readers how to nurture God-honoring relationships free of manipulation, legalism, and shame. This bo… Read more…

Telling Each Other the Truth

Telling Each Other the Truth

by William Backus

Narrated by Backus, William

Now in a fresh package, this classic on learning the art of true communication is good news for all. The author uses Scripture, case histories, and dialogue to impart timeless principles that can heal damaged relationships, strengthen everyday communication, and help people avoid the traps of manipulation that often disrupt the free flow of honest discussion… Read more…