Es hora de cambiar la forma en que piensas que Dios piensa acerca de ti. Cuando Dios piensa en ti, no está buscando una razón para descalificarte, repudiarte o juzgarte. Él no está esperando que fracases. ¡Nunca! Él es quien nos redime cuando fallamos, el que nos califica y adopta. Somos nosotros los que nos fijamos en nuestros f… Read more…
These 90 devotions by New York Times bestselling author Lisa Bevere help you discover the beautiful truth of how God thinks about you. God doesn't just tolerate you; he loves you and wants you to know his wild thoughts toward you are full of love, joy, grace, and mercy. The psalmist David realized this when he wrote Psalm 139: "How precious to me are you… Read more…
Hay un papel exclusivo de las mujeres, que abandonamos fácilmente. Vivimos cerca la una de la otra, pero no la una con la otra, ni la una para la otra. No queremos entrometernos ni juzgar y, tal vez, no queremos vernos realmente exitosas. El mundo está feliz con este estado infeliz de las mujeres, uno que nos empuja a conformarnos a un patrón de des… Read more…
How can you live as a confident woman of faith? Strong, a 90-day devotional by New York Times bestselling author Lisa Bevere, will inspire you to strengthen your relationship with God as you go deeper in your study of the Bible.A beloved Bible study teacher, Lisa invites you to find your strength, not from trying harder or doing more but throu… Read more…
How can you live as a confident woman of faith? Strong, a 90-day devotional by New York Times bestselling author Lisa Bevere, will inspire you to strengthen your relationship with God as you go deeper in your study of the Bible.A beloved Bible study teacher, Lisa invites you to find your strength, not from trying harder or doing more but throu… Read more…
New York Times best-selling author Lisa Bevere encourages women to stop hurting the ones they love, to learn to say things so they'll be heard, to get rid of bitterness, and to find forgiveness for themselves.Conflict – it’s unavoidable. Therefore, each of us must learn to manage it successfully. But what if we can't? What if an… Read more…
New York Times best-selling author Lisa Bevere encourages women to stop hurting the ones they love, to learn to say things so they'll be heard, to get rid of bitterness, and to find forgiveness for themselves.Conflict – it’s unavoidable. Therefore, each of us must learn to manage it successfully. But what if we can't? What if an… Read more…
By ancient definition, the adamant was known as both a diamond and a mythical stone of indestructible wonder. In more modern terminology, it describes a posture of unshakeable resolve and determination. If there was ever a time for us to be adamant about love and truth it is now. God is Love. God is Truth. Both love and truth are timeless, transcending our c… Read more…
En la antiguedad, la palabra “adamante” se refería a un diamante o roca mística asombrosamente indestructible por su dureza. En la terminología moderna, se refiere a tener una postura de “inamovible” resolución y determinación. Jesús es nuestro supremo “adamante”, la roca “in… Read more…
By ancient definition, the adamant was known as both a diamond and a mythical stone of indestructible wonder. In more modern terminology, it describes a posture of unshakeable resolve and determination. If there was ever a time for us to be adamant about love and truth it is now. God is Love. God is Truth. Both love and truth are timeless, transcending our c… Read more…
Érase una vez que el matrimonio era para siempre. Era un pacto que entretejía juntos a un hombre y a una mujer. Este entretejido hacía a ambos más fuertes, más nobles, y más vibrantes expresiones de quiénes fueron creados para ser. Serían mejores juntos que cada cual por su lado. La ceremonia nupcial era solo el principio. Era la puerta para edifica… Read more…
Popular speaker and New York Times bestselling author of Woman Evolve, Sarah Jakes Roberts shows women they are not disqualified by their pain and failures and offers encouragement and strength to believe God’s best is still possible.Everyone has experiences in their lives that stop them in their tracks and become burdens they carry with them everywher… Read more…