Dawn Mistaken for Dusk: If God So Loved the World, Why Can't We? - Olive Tree Bible Software

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Dawn Mistaken for Dusk: If God So Loved the World, Why Can't We?

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Dawn Mistaken for Dusk: If God So Loved the World, Why Can't We?
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Dawn Mistaken for Dusk: If God So Loved the World, Why Can't We?

For the Olive Tree Bible App

Title: Dawn Mistaken for Dusk: If God So Loved the World, Why Can't We?
Publisher: Zondervan
Author: Leonard Sweet


In his first book conceived and acquired specifically to be delivered electronically, Leonard Sweet contends that the church is blind to the changes that are dragging us into the future. Therefore, it is losing its influence as an agent of change and grace in the world. "There are now some companies who absolutely want to change the world more than the church," writes Sweet. He sees the church at a crossroads. It will either see the future as a new dawn and therefore embrace it as opportunity. Or, it will see the future as dusk and therefore hide from the darkness of the world. Sweet believes that God will be in the future, with or without us, and that an "Acts 27" movement is afoot. This book serves as a "naturalization manual" to help Christians achieve full citizenship in the new, postmodern world. It will teach them how to go from being immigrants to natives. From foreigners in a strange land to people of God, confident and at home in a rapidly changing world.

ISBN: 9780310565734

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