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Your Marriage Today. . .And Tomorrow: Making Your Relationship Matter Now and for Generations to Come

Your Marriage Today. . .And Tomorrow: Making Your Relationship Matter Now and for Generations to Come

by Crawford Loritts and Karen Loritts

Build a marriage now that your kids will thank you for laterYour parents’ marital choices have greatly affected your own attitudes and actions in marriage, for better or worse. Your choices will affect your children, and grandchildren, and so on. It’s time to get proactive about your marriage legacy. Dr. Crawford and Karen Loritts have been ma… Read more…

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Your Longing Has a Name: Come Alive to the Story You Were Made For

Your Longing Has a Name: Come Alive to the Story You Were Made For

by Dominic Done

Have you ever wondered who God had in mind before you came to be? Dominic Done examines seven gifts that, when practiced through the help of the Holy Spirit, will restore you, cause you to flourish, and empower you to come alive to the story you were made for.How is the health of your soul? Is the deepest part of you flourishing—or is it languishing an… Read more…

mundo del fin: Cómo las profecías de Jesús sobre los últimos tiempos moldean nuestras prioridades

mundo del fin: Cómo las profecías de Jesús sobre los últimos tiempos moldean nuestras prioridades

by Dr David Jeremiah

Narrated by Joachin Chable

En un mundo que parece estar girando fuera de control, necesitamos la esperanza más que nunca. ¿Y si la esperanza que sostiene la vida que usted necesita se encuentra dentro de las páginas de la Biblia?Acompañe al Dr. David Jeremiah, autor best seller del New York Times y maestro de la Biblia de confianza, mientras desglos… Read more…

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Steel Will: My Journey through Hell to Become the Man I Was Meant to Be

Steel Will: My Journey through Hell to Become the Man I Was Meant to Be

by Shilo Harris, Robin Overby Cox and K. Conaway

On February 19, 2007, SSG Shilo Harris was patrolling an infamous southern Iraqi roadway when his Humvee was struck by an IED. Moments later, three members of his crew were dead and Shilo had sustained severe burns over 35 percent of his body, lost his ears and the skin off his face, and lost much of the use of his badly mangled fingers. This fiery moment wa… Read more…

Lead Vertically: Inspire People to Volunteer and Build Great Teams that Last

Lead Vertically: Inspire People to Volunteer and Build Great Teams that Last

by Craig Johnson, Joel Osteen, Tom Stephen and Virginia Starkey

When leaders inspire their teams with a vision of what is possible, passion meets production and truly great things start to happen. Craig Johnson offers a fresh look at the importance of building teams when the goal is not only success but fulfillment. Lead Vertically includes tools and exercises that can be adapted by any leader for teams of any size, as w… Read more…

Rooting for Rivals: How Collaboration and Generosity Increase the Impact of Leaders, Charities, and Churches

Rooting for Rivals: How Collaboration and Generosity Increase the Impact of Leaders, Charities, and Churches

by Peter Greer, Chris Horst, Tom Lin and Jill Heisey

Faith-based organizations are sometimes known for what we're against--and all too often that includes being against each other. But amid growing distrust of religious institutions, Christ-centered nonprofits have a unique opportunity to link arms and collectively pursue a calling higher than any one organization's agenda.Rooting for Rivals reveals ho… Read more…

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Turning Controversy into Church Ministry: A Christlike Response to Homosexuality

Turning Controversy into Church Ministry: A Christlike Response to Homosexuality

by William P. Campbell, Tom Casaletto and William Campbell

Narrated by Tom Casaletto and William Campbell

Outreach to those who struggle with same-sex attraction is severely lacking in most churches. As a result, most Christians learn more about homosexuality from movies, the internet, television, and so-called diversity training than they learn in their own congregations. Many people who struggle with same-sex attraction are torn by the debate while yearning to… Read more…

Behind the Lines: 365 Daily Challenges for Military Personnel

Behind the Lines: 365 Daily Challenges for Military Personnel

by Adam Davis, Lt Col Dave Grossman and Chad Robichaux

Become the warrior you are meant to be.Behind the Lines is a 365-day devotional written to encourage, empower, and inspire those who serve our nation. No matter your branch of military service, the words found within these pages will equip you with God’s wisdom as you hold the line against evil and protect the innocent. Discover the true source of… Read more…

líder emocionalmente sano: Cómo transformar tu vida interior transformará profundamente tu iglesia, tu equipo y el mundo

líder emocionalmente sano: Cómo transformar tu vida interior transformará profundamente tu iglesia, tu equipo y el mundo

by Peter Scazzero

A través de El Líder Emocionalmente Sano podrás lograr una armonía entre la vida personal y la vida de liderazgo; es un libro de gran utilidad e impacto, ideal para pastores o líderes cristianos. cubriendo temáticas como: ser conscientes de sus emociones, procesarlas y adecuarlas; lograr un ritmo de trabajo adecuado, e… Read more…

25 maneras de ganarse a la gente: Cómo hacer que los demás se sientan valiosos

25 maneras de ganarse a la gente: Cómo hacer que los demás se sientan valiosos

by John C. Maxwell

Si ha leído el éxito de librería de John Maxwell Cómo ganarse a la gente y está listo para tomar pasos concretos que le ayuden a desarrollar lo que ha aprendido, ¡25 maneras de ganarse a la gente es el libro que andaba buscando! Este material de acompañamiento es ideal como un curso rápido sobre las relaciones interpersonales.Una pequeña muestra sob… Read more…